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Menopause Symptoms After Hysterectomy Explained
Menopause Symptoms After Hysterectomy Explained

It is common for women to go through the menopausal stage after the age of 40. However, sometimes, when a woman has a hysterectomy, she faces the symptoms of menopause earlier. The worst part is that these symptoms may even aggravate, and the patient can suffer a great turmoil later. It is vital for the women to understand the symptoms of menopause and to understand what to do if they have just been through hysterectomy. First, let us understand the basics.

Why Does Hysterectomy Wreak Havoc on Menopause?

A woman has menopause after her ovaries stop working – or basically stop ovulating. So since hysterectomy is the procedure of removal of the ovaries, the hormonal change will occur similarly to that of menopause. Immediately after a hysterectomy, this process will start taking place in the body. This can happen if the person is of the age 20 or of 40. This process is immediate and will begin as soon as the ovaries are removed.

If a person has gone through the process of complete removal of ovaries, the symptoms of vaginal dryness, mood swings, and hot flashes occur almost instantly. While if a woman chooses to go through hysterectomy, she will have to explore hormone replacement options. Things could get really worse after getting a hysterectomy. Alternative hormonal balancing therapy could actually give them some relief from the symptoms of hysterectomy.

Partial Hysterectomy

Women who undergo partial hysterectomy which means the removal of one of the ovaries, may not go through early menopause. This is because even when one of the ovaries is present and you are not yet in the menopause age range, your ovaries will continue to function. It is not likely that you will face any consequences. These women will still enter menopause the same age as other women who have not had a full hysterectomy.

However, women who undergo a partial hysterectomy usually experience menopause and its symptoms two years before the rest of the people do.

Difference In Experiences

Two experiences are never the same in this case. No women have had the same experience in this case. Women have to go through a lot of turmoil in their premenopausal and postmenopausal stages. However, just because they have had hysterectomy, they will have the same experiences, which is a little far-fetched.

Some women who have had hysterectomy might experience milder symptoms than those who have not experienced it at all. This means that some might go through severe problems, while others may not go through any hormonal problems at all. This is why it is a must to take some time to observe your own body before you go forward and have an alternative hormonal remedy. If you are facing any of these issues, there is a good chance that you will have a wide variety of herbs and home remedies to assist you with.

Doctors recommend getting hormonal replacement therapy. However, those come with side effects. If you can get a hormonal remedy without having any side effects, then why not go for it?

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